What Are Dangerous Drugs?
If you have health conditions then you may be taking prescription medication in order to alleviate the effects of these conditions. While we as patients trust doctors to provide us with the best possible treatment, we are generally unaware that there are sometimes very dangerous prescription medications that are prescribed to patients on a regular basis. Two of these dangerous drugs are Actos and Topamax.
Actos is a brand name for an oral diabetes medicine that helps to control blood sugar levels. While the intention for this medication is good, there are many undesirable effects that can arise from taking this medication. While it is normal and common to experience side effects such as headaches, muscle pain and sore throat from taking this medication, any of the following symptoms could result in catastrophic medical issues: changes in vision, vision loss, difficult urination, back or abdominal pain and others.
Topamax is the brand name for the prescription medication topiramate. This medication is prescribed to individuals who have epilepsy and is designed to treat certain types of seizures; it can also be used to prevent migraine headaches. While it is normal to experience numbness in the hands and feet, lack of coordination, confusion and other side effects when taking this medication, there are some side effects that can require medical attention. Some dangerous side effects to taking this medication include eye pain, blurred vision, chest pain, trouble breathing and many other side effects.
Have you been the victim of dangerous drugs in Long Island?
If you have suffered from taking these medications or others then it is important that you speak with an attorney at our firm. We will be able to discuss your options with you and provide you with aggressive representation of your case in court. Do not hesitate to retain our legal services as timing is everything when it comes to personal injury cases. Fill out our risk-free case evaluation so that we can get a better idea of what kind of situation you are facing.
Contact our Nassau County firm today to learn more and receive a free consultation!

Do I Need An Injury Attorney?
Understand the importance of having legal assistance to help you gain compensation for your injury.
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