Establishing Liability in a Personal Injury Claim
If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident then you may be able to file a claim that could earn you monetary compensation for your injuries. This can be a great help to those who have incurred various medical expenses and have possibly lost wages due to their injury.
There can be some difficulty in claiming damages for various injuries as one of the major issues in a personal injury claim is to establish liability. It is important to establish liability in any personal injury case as this could be the issue that decides whether you are able to be compensated or not.
While there are many accidents that occur on a daily basis, there are many that are the fault of a negligent individual and many others that are the fault of the individual who was injured. Negligence is defined as a lack of reasonable care. If it can be proven that an individual did not exercise reasonable care and that this resulted in your injuries then you may be granted rights to compensation.
It is important that you file your claim as soon as possible as statutes of limitations apply in New York. Statutes of limitations are a time frame in which you can file a claim for damages, if you wait too long then any potential rights you have to compensation could be forfeited.
Seek the Assistance of Our Firm Today
We have been successfully representing clients just like you for over 20 years. We know what it takes to stand up to even the most intimidating of opponents and win what is owed to our clients. You can't endure this process alone, and you only get only shot at the settlement you truly deserve.
If you have been injured in Long Island, do not hesitate to fill out our free case evaluation today to call our offices at (516) 628-6402.

Do I Need An Injury Attorney?
Understand the importance of having legal assistance to help you gain compensation for your injury.
Determine Your Case Worth
It is important to understand these five factors that come into account when filing an injury claim.
Benefits of Working With Us
You can expect to work directly with a skilled and dedicated legal team when you hire our firm.