Nursing Home and Elder Abuse
Protecting the Elderly in Long Island
Those who are unable to care for themselves are often placed in assisted living homes where they will be taken care of by nurses and caregivers. Many of these facilities are greatly qualified to care for these elderly individuals due to their adequate staffing. However there are many facilities that are greatly understaffed and as a result the nurses who take care of these elderly individuals may use violence to achieve their desires with their patients.
There are many elderly individuals who are the victims of abuse, neglect, and physical and verbal violence. This is a very sad situation because the victims of this abuse are unable to care for themselves and are reliant upon their nurses for care. If you have been the victim of nursing home abuse or if you believe that your loved one has been a victim of nursing home abuse then you will greatly benefit from the legal assistance of a Nassau County injury attorney from our firm.
What You Should Do If You Are a Victim
If you or your loved one has been the victim of nursing home abuse in Nassau County, then you may be able to retain restitution for the injuries you have sustained and the emotional hardship you have endured. It is vitally important that you seek legal assistance in order to begin the process of filing a claim for damages.
If you wait too long then your potential rights to compensation could be forfeited due to statutes of limitations that apply in New York. Our attorneys make themselves available to you to answer your questions, advise you of the best steps to take, and provide unmatched legal representation in the courtroom and at the settlement table. We can strive to provide you with aggressive representation throughout Nassau County and the rest of Long Island, if you choose to work with us.
Contact our office today to learn more and obtain our legal assistance before it is too late! View the firm's profile at FindaNursingHomeAbuseLawyer.com.

Do I Need An Injury Attorney?
Understand the importance of having legal assistance to help you gain compensation for your injury.
Determine Your Case Worth
It is important to understand these five factors that come into account when filing an injury claim.
Benefits of Working With Us
You can expect to work directly with a skilled and dedicated legal team when you hire our firm.