Personal Injury Attorney in Freeport
Are you the victim of a negligent act?
An act of negligence involves another person or corporation who has failed to act in a manner that protects others from injury or harm. For example, a drunk driver who gets behind the wheel has now put all others on the street or highway at risk of injury. A reasonable person would not endanger others.
Another example is a company that releases a new drug on the market, and only after it has been prescribed to hundreds of thousands of people, it is discovered that the drug causes undisclosed and dangerous side effects. There are many, many warning letters every year from the FDA that warn physicians about newly discovered side effects in pharmaceutical drugs. In some cases, a newborn baby can suffer birth defects or other troubles if the mother consumed the medication while pregnant.
No matter what your situation is, our firm has the experience and knowledge you need and want on your side. We fight for the "little guy," the victim of a negligent act, whether in dealing with a large insurance company, or a pharmaceutical firm. We are not intimidated by corporate defense lawyers. Our skills are of the level that is necessary to present a case that can win, even when facing these attorneys.
Client Care and Service on a Personal Level
We are focused on our clients – their physical health, and their future. We know how important the settlement will be, as frequently there is an inability to work for many months, years or even a lifetime.
Who will pay the costs of this care? We believe that the negligent party must be held fully accountable, and we are ready to fight for that outcome. Our team of Freeport personal injury lawyers have exceptional legal skills and a genuine concern for each client we takes on. Allow us to evaluate your claim. If we represent you, you can expect unmatched client care and personal service.
Call us today for more information about your personal injury claim.
Freeport Resources:

Do I Need An Injury Attorney?
Understand the importance of having legal assistance to help you gain compensation for your injury.
Determine Your Case Worth
It is important to understand these five factors that come into account when filing an injury claim.
Benefits of Working With Us
You can expect to work directly with a skilled and dedicated legal team when you hire our firm.