Garden City Personal Injury Attorney
Protecting Your Rights
Facing the trauma of a personal injury accident can place a huge strain not only in an emotional and physical sense, but also financially. Costly medical treatments, hospitalization, ambulance fees, lost income, and potentially losing out on future employment as well, there are a number of expenses to deal with in the aftermath.
In a personal injury case where there is another party at fault for the injuries sustained, the victim should never have to worry about how they are going to afford everything. Their insurance company or that of the guilty party should step in and pay for the claims that they request. Many times insurance providers will attempt to avoid paying out legitimate claims because it saves them money, but this is called insurance bad faith.
No matter what the situation entails, it is essential that you retain the legal assistance of a Garden City personal injury lawyer to come to your aid. Someone who is knowledgeable regarding New York State laws will be able to investigate your case and come to your assistance as you seek out maximum restitution for you loss and suffering.
Common Cause of Injury: Motor Vehicle Accidents
Every day car accidents, truck collisions, motorcycle incidents and other motor vehicle accidents occur throughout New York. It is important to realize that these accidents are the 2nd leading cause of deaths related to injury in Nassau County according to the New York State Department of Health.
For the year 2007, every week there were approximately two fatalities, 32 individuals sent to a hospital and 274 people given treatment in the emergency department. Approximately $80 million in emergency department and hospital charges were spent to treat injuries in Nassau County for 2007.
Pedestrians and motorcyclists were the ones with the highest average for medical charges and the accidents causing the highest charges were caused by speeding, tailgating, and failure to yield. In order to make Garden City and all of Nassau County a safe place to live in and drive around, the residents need to remember to always be aware of others on the road. It is essential that each individual driver always keep their attention solely on their primary focus of driving and not on texting, eating, talking or grooming.
With the rate of distracted driving on the rise especially in the realm of cell phone use, it is important to hold people accountable for their actions on the road. If you have been a victim of personal injury, you should get in touch with the appropriate legal help from a representative at our firm.
Nearly 25 years of Legal Experience
Our team of accomplished Garden city injury attorneys have gained years of practice and learned the ins and outs of the legal system in New York State. Devoted to evaluating every client's case with a discerning eye for pertinent information that could be useful, we do not easily relent in our efforts.
For a time our team worked as legal defenders for renowned insurance companies, giving our team the perspective from the other side of the equation. This has proven useful time and again in our current work as we are fully knowledgeable regarding every piece of each case, not just one side.
If you would like more information on how our legal team may be of assistance to you or your loved ones, fill out our free case evaluation today. There is absolutely no obligation to work with our team, although we are confident that our services could prove to be extremely valuable for you.
Call us today at (516) 628-6402 for a free consultation if you would rather speak with us over the phone. We can schedule night and weekend appointments with you if that fits better with your schedule.
Garden City Resource Links:

Do I Need An Injury Attorney?
Understand the importance of having legal assistance to help you gain compensation for your injury.
Determine Your Case Worth
It is important to understand these five factors that come into account when filing an injury claim.
Benefits of Working With Us
You can expect to work directly with a skilled and dedicated legal team when you hire our firm.