What's the Value of My Case?
Factors that Determine the Worth of Your Case
When looking at the value of your personal injury case in Nassau County, there are many different things to consider. Some cases are worth much more simply because of the age of the individual that was injured. Other times, it's the severity of the pain and suffering from the incident that allows the individual to get more from the case. There is a myriad of different elements that can make or break a case. It is important to understand these different aspects before moving forward.
1. Seriousness of the Injury
Depending of course on the circumstance, injuries for the minor pains will result in much less monetary compensation. If you or a loved one were in a car accident as a result of another's negligence and you suffered neck tension, it would be important to seek help. The amount of money given to you in this type of case, however, would not be nearly as high as if you had broken your neck and become paralyzed through the accident. Looking at the consequences of the injury on the individual's life and future is also important.
2. Age of the Victim
If the person who has been hurt is elderly, they will, unfortunately, receive a much less amount of compensation than a young 30-year-old man would. This is because a younger individual must still make a living for them and possibly their family. They are in need of sustaining themselves whereas often older individuals are retired. It does not mean that older men and women do not get their financial needs met, it just means that it could be significantly less than a young child or adult.
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3. Any Expenses Incurred
This can include everything from medical bills, physical therapy, lost income, and other extra costs as a result of the injury. If the father of a family is hurt so that he is unable to provide, there is a greater chance that he will receive a larger settlement. In a case where a father is missing out on income, the court will look to see how much they make in order to understand how severely the accident will have cost them. If he makes upwards of a million dollars, the compensation may not be as high as if he made only $10,000 per year. Ultimately it is up to the judge to determine how great the incident has affected an individual financially.
4. Altering Relationships or Lifestyle
In the event that a loved one is killed through someone else's negligence, it can mean extremely high monetary awards. This is because the injury caused severe suffering and loss for the family. These types of cases may also alter the ability for the family to make any income or support themselves. Other factors the judge will look at include looking at the effect the injury had on the person's lifestyle. Are they able to walk anymore? Can they perform daily tasks on their own or do they need constant supervision? Answers to questions like these will help determine the final settlement.
5. Experienced Legal Representation
One of the biggest reasons individuals get more financial restitution for their losses is that they have a knowledgeable and dedicated lawyer at their side. If you have not considered getting an attorney because you think it may be a waste of time and money, think again. Obtaining a Long Island personal injury lawyer that is highly qualified and has years of experience can only prove to be a benefit. It may, in fact, mean all the difference in getting the settlement you desire.
To pursue compensation for your case, call our experienced and successful attorneys today at (516) 628-6402.